Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Book!

Suicide, the "white elephant",  people are reluctant to acknowledge or discuss.

After returning from a conference in Florida with Lance Wallnau and Tamara Lowe, he and the team there have really helped to bring great focus in Kimberly Wallace's recent season of Redemption. She is working on a book called "Indescribable" for suicide survivors: Those who have been left behind by the suicide of a loved one or friend and for loved ones; friends, counselors, Pastors and care givers of suicide survivors. 

It's a three part book:

Indescribable: Kimberly's grief experience as a suicide survivor
Inconceivable:  Help for friends and family of the suicide survivor
Unfathomable Love: The only HEALTHY coping mechanism, without whom she would be a basket case..

Every seventeen minutes, someone somewhere, chooses death by self murder. In the wake of this horrific decision, other people are left to cope with the ripples. Kimberly Wallace lost her husband to suicide. The author presents her very personal experience of bereavement, grief reactions and various ways of coping.

This is a recovery book that will provide encouragement and support for survivors and those that love them. Examining the complex emotions involved in grieving a suicide death, readers will come to realize they are not alone in their grief and will not be alone in their healing. The message is that it is important to share ones experience of survival with others and encourage other survivors to overcome the perceived stigma or shame associated with suicide and seek support from self help, group therapy and friends.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering about the status of your book. I am a college instructor with an "indescribably" heavy heart for a student of mine who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when she was 14 years old and her father committed suicide in late January of this year. Thank you for any help you can give me. If your book was available, I'd buy it instantly; I have already referred her to your blog.


Thanks for your input!

More about Kimberly Anne at: