Sunday, March 10, 2024

12th Anniversary

No one said that it was going to be easy surviving my husband's suicidal death.. but, no one told me how difficult this was going to be.

Today marks the 12th anniversary of Rob's death. I think about how some people have said: "It's time to move on with your life and get over your husband's death." 

I consider those words in total thoughtfulness. If you have been following my posts on Facebook about my late husband suicidal death, you will know that I've often said I would never wish this experience of surviving a suicidal death, on anyone else.

I don't think that you ever get "over" the death of someone you dearly loved. You may get "through" it and with God's grace you move forward and on with your life.

Somehow there is still a great gaping chasm that nothing (but God) can fill in the midst of the memories, in the midst of the grieving, in the midst of the mourning.

Most of the time in this past 2 years, I have believed that I am through the grief and mourning stages. and then big mile markers, like today being the 12th anniversary of Rob's suicidal death. The tears have lessend, and the waves that used to wash over me so often, have become long lapses of time between the waves washing over me... The one truth remains- I miss my husband dearly.

I am reposting the below post because I can't really say it much better today than I did then.

Please remember well Rob Wallace with me today.